Posted by COMETDEBRIS on 01/03/14 | 0 COMMENTS

What will you get in your Cometdebris 2014 Lucky Bag?! This year we're offering a single bag, randomly packed with 3 figures (unpainted figures, painted releases, custom painted figures), and extra goodies. All bags will contain surprises such as figures cast in unreleased vinyl colors and test vinyl colors, one of a kind test painted figures, mini edition runs, and custom painted figures. And don't forget the extra goodies! Included in every bag are goodies made especially for the 2014 Lucky Bags! ¥15000 and available at Super Festival 64 on Sunday, January 12.
For those unable to attend the event, we'll have a limited number available in the Cometdebris Online Store for $160 (valued at over $200). On sale January 12th at 6:00 AM PST. That's January 12th at 11:00 PM Japan Time.
*Please note Lucky Bags will ship blind boxed without the paper bag.
来る1月12日(日)スーフェス64にてCOMETDEBRIS 2014福袋を1万5000円で限定発売します。彩色、未彩色、テストショット、カスタムの中から3個とおまけ入りで1万9000円以上の内容の福袋です。オンラインストアでの発売は同日、日本時間23時です。お楽しみに。