Posted by COMETDEBRIS on 05/26/24 | 0 COMMENTS

New Kid Slime! We are now offering 3 versions of Kid Slime (2 painted and 1 unpainted) exclusively through the online store. The 2 painted versions will be made to order. Orders will close in around one week so order now if you're interested. In addition to these two versions, we are also offering an unpainted version which comes with an aditional Chakaiju head.
Kid Slime, Clear Blue with Metallic Purple, $30
Kid Slime, Clear Blue with Metallic Green, $30
Kid Slime, Clear Blue Unpainted, with Chakaiju Head, $30
Kid Slime, Clear Blue Test Paint, Only One Available, $35
And don't forget our FREE SHIPPING offer! See details below!

Free Worldwide Shipping! With the purchase of 3 or more figures!
Just subtract shipping from your total when sending your payment.
Please note skateboards do not apply.