Posted by COMETDEBRIS on 10/05/14 | 0 COMMENTS

It's October! Time for Cometdebris Halloween Unlucky Bags!
As with previous bags, this year's bags will include customs, signed and numbered limited editions, test shots (never released test vinyl), and unpainted figures. In addition, select bags will also include new figures and Gargamel Zagorans. That's right, we're including 2 brand new never released Cometdebris figures in several bags! And included with every large bag, custom Zagorans! All bags are randomly packed. You won't know exactly what you get until you open the box!
On sale October 18th at 10:00 PM Pacific (October 19th at 2:00 PM Japan).
Available in 3 sizes:
Small. Includes 2 different figures: 1 mini*, 1 medium**. $111.
Medium. Includes 4 different figures: 2 minis*, 2 mediums**. $222.
Large. Includes 5 different figures: 2 minis*, 2 mediums**, 1 Zagoran. $333.
*Mini includes Sametan, Kappa Kid, and a new figure.
**Medium includes Kappa Shonen, Ace Robo, and a new figure.
今年のハロウィン不運袋はカスタム、サイン入り限定品、テストショット、そして未塗装フィギュアたちに加えて、選択した袋の中には、新しいフィギュアやガーガメルザゴランが入っていたりするものも。そう、COMETDEBRIS新発売フィギュアがいくつかの袋に! 大袋はどれにもカスタムザゴランが入っています。お楽しみに!
小 2種類のフィギュア(1ミニ、1ミドル) ¥11000
中 4種類のフィギュア(2ミニ、2ミドル) ¥22000
大 5種類のフィギュア(2ミニ、2ミドル、1ザゴラン) ¥33000